# 181 - Claw

Claw is at the end of the Grabber arm.

The purpose of the claw is to:

  • provide snappy grab/ungrab to the support rail
  • provide a safe, lockable grab
  • provide passive suspension against wobbliness of the support rail, relative to main rail
  • provide linear bearing against the support rail, with speeds up to 11,1m/s (40 km/h)

While providing those things, the claw is likely the most high-tech area in the Kotka design, material-wise, needing to be both:

  • strong
  • light
  • quiet in operation

# Requirements

These are discussed at the Grabber arm level, also for the claw design.

# MVP 0.2


  • [ ] Get a physical (3D printed) prototype for learning about snappiness, required control motors, noise, suitability of suspension etc.

# MVP later


  • [ ] Producing a claw capable of track operations (probably made of metal)
  • [ ] Showing it in action

# Metrics

  • [ ] Grab/ungrab noise; dB peak
  • [ ] Grab/ungrab speed (between "prepared" and "grabbed" states); ms with distribution
  • [ ] Grab/ungrab impact; N·s peak; J overall
  • [ ] Failures per 100M grabs/ungrabs (with support rail wobbling in relative distance, within parameters)

# Open issues

  • The amount of wobbliness needed to be prepared for is not known. Tests on track will give guidance.

# Requirements to/from other parts

Towards part Req id
#180 Grabber arm Providing placement, control and power for the motors
From part Req id