# 540 - Tracks


  • support the vehicle platform, while being studied / repaired / tested
  • allow one track to "disappear", emulating track switching

# Design

The back track is stationary, and provides a rigid connection to the wheel arcs (also attaching them to each other).

The front track can be lowered (manually), to emulate riding on one track or switching tracks.

# Side rails (MVP 0.1) are for vehicle platform MVP 0.2

The side rails are not used by the vehicle platform MVP 0.1 (it does not have grabber arms #180). However, it would likely be best to do them already now. The end result of MVP 0.1 is then fully usable for testing vehicle platform MVP 0.2, from day 1.

# Requirements

  • One person can operate the lowering / raising of the front track
  • The front track has a locking mechanism, so it does not come loose on its own - regardless of rotation of the wheels
  • Lowering the front track must not move it sideways: there may be (and will be!) other track segments connecting on left/right.

# Options

# Implementation

# Specs

Track dimensions are eventually to be defined separately (Track #200). Both the vehicle, this component and any track using components (track itself, stations) will need those.

# Concerns

# Further designs (MVP 0.2)

The ends of the tracks are envisioned to be continued left/right with other track segments. This, however, is a MVP 0.2 feature. Locking tracks together is left as an exercise for that time.